Hilda M. Saltos, LCSW
Hilda Saltos has been a practitioner in the human service field for 25 years. She began as a bilingual crisis intervention worker, working with the Latino community and at-risk populations. At the Society for Protection and Care of Children (SPCC), she was the clinical supervisor of the Family Violence and Family Trauma Intervention programs. This work allowed her to provide direct clinical supervision to staff while delivering direct therapeutic services to families impacted by domestic violence, sudden loss, and other traumas. She has been privileged to provide individual, family, relationship, and group counseling work with adults, youth, and children throughout the course of her career. She has delivered workshops and presented to clinicians, childcare workers, service providers, parents, and other community members regarding the impact of domestic violence and trauma on children and families. For over a decade, she has continued her trauma work as a private practitioner. In her practice, she serves children, youth, and adults who have been impacted by trauma, intimate partner or domestic violence, or other life-changing events. She also works with unaccompanied minors in hopes of helping them transition to life in the United States. Her training includes Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and certification in Trauma Counseling. In her spare time, she likes to go on hikes with her dogs, does functional fitness, and watch mind-numbing shows about housewives with first-world problems.