All sponsors help to support nearly 375 Greater Rochester-area kids over the course of two different four-day camps in June and July. The Camps include food, drinks, t-shirts, referees, coaches, and more to give kids an outstanding experience FREE of charge. Motivational guest speakers also attend to share advice around life skills in addition to basketball skills.
The June 27-30 Camp is for high school student-athletes as an invite-only based on their skills. Approximately 85 boys and 50 girls are invited to attend.
The second camp, “Skills & Drills”, is for approximately 240 middle schoolers who have an interest in learning the fundamentals of basketball. This four-day camp which runs from July 18-21 includes kids from the City, suburbs, and rural communities.
Presenting Sponsor: $2,500
Exclusive Opportunity—be recognized and listed as THE Presenting Sponsor on all collateral, social media, press releases, media correspondence and t-shirts
Starting June 1st enjoy your company’s logo on all PrimeTime585’s social media platforms (Twitter, IG, FB) on posts related to camps
Opportunity to speak briefly at the June Press Conference announcing camps
Opportunity to speak for 5 minutes at Elite and “Skills & Drills” camp
Help hand out awards to players at end of camps
Company logo on PrimeTime585’s website home/landing page
Link to company’s website on event landing page
Sends 20 kids to attend four day camp
Slam Dunk Food Sponsors: $1,500
Helps to cover all costs for lunch for both camps for 375 kids
Week of before each event enjoy your company’s logo on all PrimeTime585’s social media posts related to camps
Company logo on PrimeTime585’s website event landing page
Link to company’s website on event landing page
Company name and logo on back of t-shirts
Sends 10 kids to attend four day camp
MVP-All Star Sponsors: $1,000
Underwrites cost for ALL referees for both camps
The week before each event enjoy your company’s logo on all PrimeTime585’s social media posts related to camps
Company logo on PrimeTime585’s website event landing page
Link to company’s website on the event landing page
Company name and logo on the back of t-shirts
Sends 8 kids to attend four-day camp
Buzzer Beater Sponsors: $500
Company logo on PrimeTime585’s website event landing page
Link to company’s website on the event landing page
Social media mention on all platforms the week before camps
Company name and logo on the back of t-shirts
Sends 5 kids to attend four-day camp
Free Throw Sponsors: $???
Company name and link on PrimeTime585’s website event landing page
Single Tweet on all social media platforms upon confirmation
Sends 3 kids to attend four-day camp
Individual Player: $120
Covers the cost of 1 player to attend camp
Interested in sponsoring?
Fill out this form and we will get back to you ASAP.